Friday, June 29, 2007

Please take a seat! New Patio Furniture

I have to credit my wonderful husband for finding
our furniture for our backyard. I shopped all over
and after becoming frustrated with the quality and
cost as we needed quite a few piece he gets on line
and finds the furniture that I thought we couldn't
really afford! It was local too so free delivery! You
have to just love that internet!

The wonderful thing about the chair and ottoman
sets are that the chair back are adjustable so you
can lay all the way back if you wish and nap!

This is my special spot - took a snooze!

My husband once again that handy man that he
is built this patio cover himself. He designed the
layout and ordered it from a Vinyl Patio Company.
They came out and installed the fence and gate.
Our goal is to make everything as maintenance
free as we can!
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