Sunday, June 28, 2009

Western Workwear for Ray

We decided for Father's Day we were going to get Ray Western Workwear so I don't have to worry about him out on the ranch with Jeremy and Teresa this summer. The thing that worries me are the _______. Now those are the things that I really don't like! I don't like them so much I just can't use their name on my blog. Now I know many of you like, and heaven forbid, love _______ but I don't and I don't want my husband bit by one! So there we are! He is now ready to work the ranch with Jeremy and Teresa and I won't have to worry. Although there are bears, mountain lions and other things it just is the ______ that really bother me. Okay enough about the _________. So what do you think about the Wranglers? Think they make a fashion statement here in OC? What about those Ariat boots? Boot Barn is now my favorite place to shop for ranch clothes! If you have never been to a Boot Barn go check it out they have some really hot things for that cowboy in your life!
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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day Ray!

Becca and I took Ray to the Angel Game on Saturday for Father's Day. They were playing against the Dodgers, sadly they did not win, but we had a great time just spending the evening together.
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Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Woods Family

These three lovely girls are (L to R) Paige, Ashley and Taylor. They all attended Foothill Ranch Elementary. Taylor is the last one to graduate from Foothill. I will truly miss this wonderful family. Their mother and father are remarkable parents and have raised a beautiful family. It has been such a pleasure to be able to watch them grow up. Taylor used to sit in her car seat on the front counter in my school office while her mom volunteered. Time goes by so quickly it is incredible to think that when I started at FRE my girls were 11 & 13 and now they are 27 and 29!
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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Happy Father's Day Dad!

This is my dad - Bob - he is the one with the lime green bow on his head. This is a tradition that my father has carried out on every holiday, be it Christmas, Father's Day or his birthday. As you can see it doesn't hurt much when the bows finally come off at the end of the night! Happy Father's Day Dad!
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Friday, June 12, 2009

Las Vegas Birthday Celebration

The party pals decided to hit Vegas to celebrate Ramiro and Ray's birthdays. Letty and I decided to get "tats". You know what they say "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!" We jumped in our cars and headed downtown to experience the sights and sounds of old style Vegas. Don't worry mom my tatoo is just a distant memory!!
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Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Emily and Hannah

Emily and Hannah were out collecting giant pinecones from their sugar pines in Emily's front yard! Hannah is Emily's new friend and is in her Kindergarten class. They are too peas in a pod!
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Jack and his Gramma and Papa

You can tell by our faces we are having a great time carrying around our Baby Jack! Just look at that sweet face!

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"Our GrandKIDS"

Our family just keeps growing and growing! I am not sure I will remember all the names of all the animals! Tom Llama and Ding Dong are easy enough to remember and Rubberlegs is not too hard. I hope they don't start naming their chickens and guinea hens!
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Emily taking Papa out to feed the goats and Tom Llama and Ding Dong, the llamas!
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Sunday, June 07, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend at Quartz Ridge Ranch

We left early Friday morning hoping to miss the holiday traffic and for the most part it was clear sailing. These are pictures are we are driving up to Quartz Ridge Ranch, The Hord Family Home. The views are undescribable and the trip takes about 9 hours from start to finish. We could of stopped a million times to just take pictures. On the road they live on are a few homes and one of them there is a lady who carves sculptures out of downed tree stumps. They are amazing a we seem to spot a new one each time we drive in. You have to drive slowly so the dirt doesn't kick up and kill the trees but that affords you the opportunity to let your life slow down and enjoy all of her work. Country Life is good!
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Baby Birdies at Lynnie's House

You can't even tell by looking but there are 3 birdies in this nest!

I was helping Lynn out by watering her plants when she traveled to Wisconsin. She had shared that there were a nest of baby birds in a box on the bottom shelf of a planter on her side yard. I watched the mother bird one day for about 15 minutes flying in and out of the box feeding her babies. As you can see they were always ready to eat!
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Saturday, June 06, 2009

SCE Chairman's Award Celebration

SCE held their annual Chairman's Award Celebration June 6th at the Renaissance Hollywood Hotel and Spa. We were able to spend the night. Our room had this fabulous view of the hills of Hollywood, I didn't take my SLR and only had my point and shoot - one of those times you wish you had your better camera! It was amazing they turned out at all seeing as I was taking them through the glass. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Photography 101

Ray took me down to the beach one morning to practice what we have been learning in my photography class. I cannot tell you how much I have learned in this class. Tricia, our teacher, works for Canon and she has a wonderful way of relating everyday things to the way you use your camera. I am hoping to continue learning and practicing with my camera.
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Nicole comes to visit

Nicole & Becca
Becca & Nicole
Laughing Becca and smiling Nicole
Posted by PicasaBecca pointing at Nicole and Baby Boy Hansen!

More Pics from the Garden Tour

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Mary Lou Heard 2009 Garden Tour

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Early spring in my garden

The iris is blooming, the hydrangeas are just peeking out, roses are just budding and the viburnum is glorius! I love spring!
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Baby Hansen Rag Quilt

Posted by PicasaBecca's best friend, Nicole and her husband Tim are expecting their first baby, and it is a boy! This was so much fun to do as I had never tried making one before. The girls in my sewing class were very encouraging telling me how easy it was. They were right it was easy and fun to do. I had left over fabric from making the quilt and used it for a tote bag and burp cloths.

Deanna Thomas' Visit - April 2009

Deanna and her husband John had made a trip down to visit their long time friends here. They moved up to northern California a couple of years back. She had some special friends she wanted to see from her days as office manager both at Del Lago Elementary and Foothill Ranch Elementary. L to R (front row) Carol, Deanna, Carole, Vicki, (last row)Michelle, Jan, Maureen and Lynn. I hope everyone had as much fun as I did catching up with her.
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Monograming 101

Becca's friend Jenny is getting married and I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to try out monogramming on my Scandanavia 300 Machine. I can't believe how easy it is!
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