Monday, August 18, 2008

Home Improvements - Whole House Fan

Look at that hard working sweaty man!

Ray installed a whole house fan in our attic on the second floor of our home last weekend. It has made an incredible difference on how efficient our AC works. We can come home from work without having the AC on all day and open one window and the unit will pull the cool air from outside through the one open window and suck it up through the vent upstairs. The website is if you are thinking at all about getting one of these - we highly recommend it.

Welcome Amerigo & Vespucci!

I have wanted to "plant" our fountain since we installed it last summer. In my panic that I have to finish up my summer projects so I feel like I have accomplished something, I ran around purchasing plants, buying fish and food in an attempt to make our fountain a serene home for my fish Marco and Polo. I also couldn't help purchase friends for Marco and Polo. So when I spotted Amerigo and Vespucci they had to come home with me! As you can see in their pic there are only 3 fish - not to worry though - Vespucci is a just a bit shy. I can't wait for Em's next visit so she can help me feed them and watch them.

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Thanks Ayesha!

I was visiting with Ayesha last week and she shared with me the Burp Cloths that she makes as gifts for her friends. They are all so adorable I thought I should make some for our grandson Jack who will be making his arrival in late November. Once I started making them I couldn't believe how much fun and how easy and gratifying this project was. When I went to Joann's I could not believe the wonderful selection of flannel they have. Needless to say a "baker's dozen" later and I think I have enough for now. But you never now when I might sight a piece of flannel I just can't live without!

Crazy for Yo Yo's!

I can't help myself I see Yo Yo's everywhere! I found this fleece jacket at TJ Maxx on clearance and thought Em might be able to use it for Kindergarten. Then the Yo Yo bug hit! I went coo coo for Yo Yo's! Becca gave me this new tote and thought I could do something with it - well the Yo Yo's took over!

These are so fun to make and now Clover has a new Yo Yo Maker and a Yo Yo Flower Maker that makes them even better. The difference between making them free handed and with the Yo Yo Maker is that the Yo Yo's lay down very neatly and evenly. And for those of you who don't know me - neat and precise is very important! I highly recommend the maker and if you use your 40 percent off coupon at Joann's you will save quite a bit and you can purchase one for under $5.00. This is the website for Clover: They have unique sewing and crafting products. They carry the Yo Yo makers also.

Our 31st Wedding Anniversary is September 3rd, 2008

When we were up north visiting the kids, Ray tried Jer & T's Wii. It was so fun watching him he really got into it! So when it came time to decide what he might enjoy for our anniversary I thought about how much he laughed and enjoyed himself and thought he would really like one. I just purchased the basic set with a few games and would like to purchase more games in the future. We just finished bowling and I broke 100!! Who knows maybe I'll challenge him to golf (after I practice quite a bit)!

Friday, August 08, 2008

The Lumberjacks at the Ranch

Jeremy, Ron (Jer's Dad) and Ray fell trees up at the property this summer. It is incredible seeing how hard these guys work. They purchased a log splitter which helps get the job done quicker. Whenever there are dead trees they need to be removed both to prevent disease, rot and pests but to also prevent damage to surrounding buildings and equipment as they may fall during a storm. This will be a normal days work once the kids get up there permanently. Posted by Picasa

Terry & Esther - Born To Be Wild

Esther and Terry Bromfield surprised us with a visit on their Harley. Terry asked me if I wanted to go for a ride of course it didn't take but a quick second for me to say YES!!!

Terry & Esther's bike is a memorial to their son Travis who passed away a little over a year ago from cancer. They have several pictures/murals of him on it, from when he was a young boy through his military career. It is such a wonderful tribute to him.

My first ride on a Harley! Hopefully it won't be the last one!Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Summer Table Cloth/Picnic Blanket

I had spent sometime cleaning up my sewing room this summer and came across lots of projects that I forgot I had. I had quite a few of these bandanas that I purchased from Wal-Mart years ago and had always thought they were so colorful hmmm.... what could I do with them? So I thought what about something to use when we are picnicking either on a table or on the ground? I haven't decided if I should back it with something as I wanted it to be lightweight and not bulky so it would be light and easy to carry. I had two bandanas left over so I made a little pouch to carry it in with pockets on the outside. Maybe I should use this as a gift? Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 04, 2008

SCE SSID Annual Picnic & Softball Game

Every year SSID hosts a family picnic and their traditional softball game. Ray is going to be so sore!

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Teresa Hernandez's Birthday - 8-1-08

Ramiro arranged for all of us to meet at El Torito in Yorba Linda to surprise Teresa for her birthday. We had a great time and by the looks of the her in that hat with a martini in front of her so did Teresa. Happy Birthday Teresa!

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San Diego Wild Animal Park

We took Ray's cousin Hilda who is visiting here from Monterrey, Mexico to the Wild Animal Park. There were so many incredible animals to photograph. They have a feature named Snore and Roar. This is where you can spend the night in large canvas tents right next to the Lion's area. Ray and I both want to do it. We thought it would be perfect in the spring after the lion cubs are born. We are definitely putting it on our Bucket List!
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Family Photos (really we went to the San Diego Animal Park with Ray's cousin)

Becca and Matthew spent the day at the beach!

Carol was busy working in her garden. It is so hard to decide what to make for dinner!

Jeremy, Teresa and Emily playing at the park!

Ray enjoying what Carol has prepared for dinner. Check out that adorable smile!

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Friday, August 01, 2008

Bells at Mission San Juan

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To El Adobe for lunch!

How come when you are thirsty and hungry "right down the road" seems so far!

No that's not it!

Whew, I thought we would never make it!

Posted by PicasaWe made it! Where are the margaritas and is that the Angel game on the TV???

The Church at the Mission San Juan

What a beautiful little church. It glowed from all the candles that were lit.

Mission San Juan - July, 2008

The last time I was at the Mission was with Becca's 4th grade class. It hasn't changed too much other than the gardens are established and the plants really compliment the surroundings. We took the audio tour which was very informative. Hilda speaks Spanish only, so we were able to get her a audio tour in Spanish which made it alot easier on Ray "The Translator". Posted by Picasa